Thank you for your interest in investing in Thermal Studs.

Thermal Studs is comprised of patents held within two companies: Roosevelt Energy, Inc. and Envirobon, Inc.

Investment Options

  1. Roosevelt Energy, Inc: This company owns the patents for the Tstud™ products and is seeking $500,000 in equity investment.

  2. Envirobon, Inc: Envirobon owns the patents for WarmStud™, RhinoStud™, and DrainStrip™. They are seeking $800,000 in equity investment.

*All these products are either fully patented with issued patents in the USA, Canada, and/or Mexico, or they are patent pending. Trademarks are also issued or pending.

Private Placement Memorandums (PPMs)

  • PPMs are legal documents provided to prospective investors during private placements.

  • They disclose essential information about the investment, including terms, risks, and other relevant details.

  • A 506c is recorded with the SEC in the USA, meaning investors need to be accredited to invest.

Thermal Studs

Thermal Studs are an innovative alternative to traditional wood studs used in residential construction. The newest addition is the RhinoStud™, an insulated metal stud suitable for residential and commercial/industrial building.

Key points about Thermal Studs

Purpose: Designed to break the thermal bridge within the stud itself, improving energy efficiency and reducing heat transfer through exterior envelopes.

Composition: Each wood Thermal Stud consists of wood members along with closed-cell foam for a “built in” thermal break. The metal RhinoStud™ is three times stronger than a traditional “C” shaped metal stud. The choice of cavity insulation is flexible.


  • Energy Efficiency: Reduces the carbon footprint of buildings by minimizing heat loss.

  • Cost-Effective: Offers long-term cost savings due to improved insulation.

  • Eco-Friendly: Contributes to sustainable building practices.

  • Application: Suitable for various framing elements in exterior walls, including studs, jacks, cripples, plates, headers, floors, roofs, and foundations.

  • Exceptions: All Thermal Stud products are code compliant except for the RhinoStud™ (pending).

Investment Focus

Both companies have invested significantly in developing and promoting their energy-efficient products.

These products address thermal breaks in foundations, floors, walls, and roof assemblies.

The investment focus is on selling licenses for others to manufacture these products, potentially leading to ongoing royalty income streams.

To learn more about investing, please fill out the form below and you’ll be emailed a link to schedule a confidential call with the inventor for all products Brian Iverson.